We arrived safe and sound around 9:30AM Saturday Aug. 6th! The trip took a total of 53 hours! We had some problems with the Greyhound bus system again, but we thank God that none of our stuff got lost and we arrived in one piece! :)
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your prayers and support! My time in Gulu Uganda was amazing! It could not have happened without each of you! I thank God for having you in my life! There are so many testimonies! Many people were saved, healed, delivered, and set free while we were there! The last day of our time in Gulu, we had a house of prayer baptism. We took the whole team down to a local hotel, called Acholi Inn, and baptized all the people who wanted to be water baptized! It was a powerful time. One man wanted to get re-baptized because he didn't know the meaning the first time. Another man wanted to get baptized because he wanted to leave everything from his past behind him! After they were baptized, we had the others pray over them and cover them! I felt the Holy Spirit in the water and it was another first for me to baptize someone! I have had so many first experiences in Africa that I will never forget!

To end our time with the house of prayer, we handed out certificates to the ones who came to the three conferences and were faithful and diligent! It was a way of honoring them! Then after the certificates were handed out, we had a time of sharing. Kyle and I thanked them for accepting us and being open to learn from us! We expressed that we had learned so much from them and their culture and shared our hearts! Then different people from the group stood up and started to share how they have been blessed by Kyle and I and our time there! It was so awesome! I cried a little and it was such a blessing to hear their hearts and what they felt! They thanked us and then we said all of our goodbyes! It was hard for me to say goodbye, but I know the Lord will have me go back to Gulu, Uganda again in a year or two!
Now, I am adjusting from Jet Lag and getting ready for school to start! I'm so excited about this next year in school! I have a new look at things now! I want to soak up everything I can so that I can then teach it to others! I have a new sense of vision for what I am doing and I feel like the Lord is calling me to go deeper! While I was in Uganda, the Lord gave me a vision for my calling! He showed me that I am going to be like Paul, an apostle to the nations! He showed me a little town like Gulu. I want to join ministries that already have the frame work for a house of prayer and the heart for 24/7 worship and prayer! I'm going to stay at this ministry for a short time, like 6 months to a year. During this time I will be pouring into the team of people and trying to work myself out of a job. I want to train, but then hand it over to them and allow them to lead in their culture. I want to modify Harp and Bowl so that it can be done in their culture with their twist on things! Then when my time is done, I want to move onto another little town in a different country, but I want to stay in contact with the first team and go back periodically to check up on them and impart more and more! I believe this is my calling until Jesus returns, building the House of Prayer! I'm so excited and I believe my time here in Kansas City, MO at the International House of Prayer University will prepare me and equip me for my calling!
If you feel lead to pour into my training, you can click on "give" to the right! My tuition is a good chunk again this year, so anything helps! This semester runs about $2,300. That's an estimate. I'm trying to get on the work/study program that I was on last semester. This program allowed me to work for the school in return for half of my tuition! It was a huge blessing! I witched my major from voice to Piano this semester as well! I really want to focus on one thing and get efficient in playing the Keyboard so that I can lead worship next year as a Senior! I'm going to take vocal lessons on the side so I don't loose all the progress I've made in the last 2 years! I'll keep you all posted on what I am learning and what the Lord is doing the semester!
Blessings upon blessings!
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