Monday, June 27, 2011

Typhoid Testimony!!

Hello everyone!

Thank you all so much for your prayers!! Since I arrived here in Gulu, I have been having stomach problems.  You might have seen on facebook, but I was in pain for 3 weeks!  I felt tired all the time, my stomach hurt, I had headaches, dizziness, and random fevers.  It even got so bad that I didn't want to eat the food, because I thought that was the problem.  Last tuesday it got worse.  I had to ask Kyle to take me home from the intensive, and he did.  Then, the next day I couldn't get out of bed.  I got the chills and a fever and I knew it was not just my body adjusting to the food.   I knew something was wrong.  So I went to the hospital and got checked for any bacteria infections.  They tested me and my blood came back positive for Typhoid!  Which is an infection you get from food and water, that can be lethal.  The doctor told me that the normal levels of Typhoid are 1-40.  1 being mild and not needing to be treated and 40 being critical level!  When we got my results back My level was 360!! Almost 8 times the critical level!! He said, "Ah!  You should not be alive!"  We need to treat you right away!  So I got the first to injections and the medication I needed to take for 7 days!  That night, Kyle and a bunch of people came over from the house of prayer to pray over me!  I felt fire go through my whole body, which I have only felt one other time in my life!!  The next morning, all pain in my stomach was gone, I had no diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, or fatigue!!!  I had so much energy!! Actually, I felt like myself in the States!  The Lord completely healed me!! I went back to the hospital to get re-tested and the results were still positive, but that's ok!  All the symptoms were gone!!  I'm still taking the medication for the cure, but the Lord is so good and He is faithful to sustain me when I had Typhoid for over two weeks!  I was walking around, serving, preaching, and doing life all by the power of the Holy Spirit sustaining me!!  The doctor was amazed and He kept saying, "We thank God!  We thank God you are alive!!"  THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT! It means so much to me!

I want to express that Kyle and I did not realize we would be paying for all the food for all three intensives, plus food for ourselves and a house of prayer friend that is living with Kyle.  All of our money has been budgeted for these expenses, but we no longer have seed money to sow into the House of prayer or individuals!  There are so many needs and if any of you feel lead to give, it would bless the lives of the people here, and Kyle an I tremendously!   You can click "GIVE" on the right and  it will go directly to paypal!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

The time here has been amazing!  The Lord is doing so much here!  The men and women at the house of prayer are great! They are so teachable and loving. This culture is very relationship-based! When you enter a room you have to greet each person and shake there hand 3 different ways, greet them in Acholi language 3 different ways and the sometimes huge them cheek to cheek, on both sides (like the Italians.) Hahaha I love it! I have fallen in love with these people! They are so humble, eager to learn everything Kyle and I give them, and ready to go deep! They have opened up so much, which is very rare in Acholi culture!  Most Acholi people are very shallow and don't really talk about problems, sins, feelings, or emotions, much less showing any emotion! But these people are the first fruits!  They have received healing and are completely and totally abandoned to God! So Kyle and I have done 2 Intensives, the first was on Identity and second on lifestyle (sermon on the mount). We start the last one next monday! It will be on Ministry.  We called a House of Prayer-wide fast for 5 days this week! They were so excited! Weird right? But once they understood why we fast and pray and the logistics behind it they were all eager to join in!  After this last intensive, we will begin music lessons and more harp and bowl training!  

Blessings to you all!  Thank you for all your prayer and support....until next time... 

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