Hey everyone!
Ok. So I want to share with you what the Lord has been doing in my heart lately. I don't know if most of you know, but I have been praying and interceding for England for about 3 years, specifically London. The Lord has pressed it upon my heart and shown me the darkness, oppression, and witchcraft that occurs in Europe. I have had a strong desire to do my first mission trip in London. I heard there was a house of prayer there that I could get connected with. I wanted to explore Europe and bring the Lord's presence with me, BUT a few weeks ago, something happened to me. My sister moved to Gulu, Uganda. To preface, I have never had a heart for Africa or any other countries that didn't speak English. I have not been fond of change, and to be frank, I was not that interested in missions. I had a huge heart for worship and intercession! I was eager to contend for what was on God's heart and content where he had me. However, when my sister, Naomi, moved to Uganda as a full time missionary, something changed in my heart. I felt like a piece of my heart went with her. I was compelled to know the latest of her endeavors, pray for her daily, and sometimes weep over the women and the children in Africa. The Lord hit me with intercession like I have never known before.
When this happened, I tried to go back to praying for London, England, but it wasn't the same. I didn't feel the same "life" on my prayers and I couldn't get Uganda out of my head. I was confused and I didn't know why this was happening. So I asked the Lord. He told me a very important phrase: "Leah, London is for later and Gulu is for NOW!" It was plain as day. So I put London on the shelf and continued to intercede for Gulu. A few days later I was inquiring of the Lord about my plans for the future. I wanted to go to London this summer, but because he told me London was for later, I was asking if I was supposed to go to Gulu instead, but if the timing was not right, I would not go to either. I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach that Gulu, Uganda was going to be my first mission trip and that I was supposed to go this summer.
A few days later, I was in the Higher Grounds Coffee Shop with a friend. I was telling him about my sister and how she moved to Gulu, Uganda and what the Lord was doing in my heart concerning Gulu. He looked at me and then his eyes lit up. He had a vision about a place called Gulu, Uganda and didn't even know that it really existed. The Lord put it on his heart to go to Gulu, Uganda while he was on a different mission trip in California! His name is Kyle Christensen and he is a student at IHOPU with me. He had feelings that he was going this summer too!! So we began talking about what the Lord was doing. We were both fascinated that he had shown us these things simultaneously! The very next day I was talking to Naomi on skype. She said that she was in a restaurant and the Lord told her to go talk to a couple sitting near her. She introduced herself and explained that she was a missionary from the states, living in Gulu. They said that they were also missionaries there. They were formerly affiliated with the house of prayer in Kansas City, MO. They asked if she had heard of it. Of course Naomi got really excited and told this couple all about Kyle and I and how we are students at the University of IHOP and that we both want to come to Gulu this summer! The couple was thrilled and they confirmed that they had been praying for the Lord to bring reinforcements to the house of prayer in Gulu from Kansas City, MO. They prayed for people who had the same heart as them! This was all the confirmation that I needed from the Lord!! I have been in contact with them and the process is beginning!
So I am now on a new mission to raise support to go to Gulu, Uganda. I feel like the Lord was saying mid-May to mid-June. I know this is soon and just a few months away, but if the Lord really wants me to go, I know He will provide above and beyond what I ask for! I have calculated the trip and I believe I will need about $2000 to cover the costs and the plain ticket. This is a rough estimate.
I am so excited to serve in the house of prayer in Gulu, attend the prayer meeting there, and join their team in intercession for their country! I am so excited to bring you on this journey with me through my training at IHOPU and now across the ocean to AFRICA! This training has prepared me and now I am being comissioned to GO! The Lord told me that FMA would be the stepping stones to my destiny and I believe this is the first of many mission trips to come! I thank you for those of you who have supported me in the past and I ask that you pray about joining with me, once again, but this time to send me to Uganda!
Can you believe both Johnson girls will be missionaries in Gulu, Uganda for a month? I can! The Lord has such a funny sense of humor! If you want to support me, I am in the process of setting up a paypal account. If you would like to give you can send a check here:
10438 Bales Ave Kansas City, MO 64137
If you would like your donation to be tax deductible, please make the check out to IHOP and then on a separate sticky note put "Leah Johnson" PLEASE DO NOT PUT MY NAME ANYWHERE ON THE CHECK. (If you choose to do this 10 out of every 100 dollars is taken out of the donation and goes to taxes. So if you want me to receive a certain amount, please take this into consideration.)
I hope you all are blessed! :)