So, most all of you know that I wll be going to Africa this summer in May. There has been so much that has happened. I have been emailing back and forth with the Shehee family, this is the couple my sister met at the "Son Kofa" restaurant in Gulu! They have assembled a team of singers, musicians, and intercessors that are so excited that Kyle and I are coming! I'm adding a couple inserts from our emails back and forth! William Shehee said,
"I know God is sending you guys to take us to the next level!!! It's so important to God because this is so much more than one team, it is a prototype for the entire city. Already, several of the leading churches here have asked me to train their worship teams in the Harp and Bowl Model. So once this team becomes strong, we can begin rapid reproduction."
"The Lord has shown me and many others prophetically that what God begins in Gulu will touch the unreached nations to the north. Northern Uganda is LITERALLY on the frontier - everything north is unreached. There are dozens of unreached people groups just one days drive away from here! And God is raising up an army of believers from here who have passed through the fires of adversity, who do not love their lives even unto death, to carry the Gospel north, deep into Muslim territory. He is sending a Revival that will start in the "Jerusalem" of Gulu and spread to the "Judea and Samaria" of northern Uganda and Southern Sudan, and the the "Ends of the earth" of North Africa and the Middle East. And the House of Prayer will be a conduit of that Revival! So be very encouraged, for what you are sowing here will be reaped all throughout the 10/40 Window.
This just became so much bigger than I could ever even dream of! The Lord has a huge plan for Gulu, Uganda, and I am so thrilled to be part of it. Basically, we will be going to Uganda to teach and preach. We want to come under the Ugandans there and love on them. We have been given full reign and freedom to do whatever we want in regards to the house of prayer. We were even extended an invitation to stay for two months instead of one. We are talking about doing an intensive with training on the harp and bowl model of IHOP. There will be worship classes, music and vocal lessons, and hands on training. kyle and I will be leading all of these things by the grace of God! The Lord has opened this door for me and I am anticipating what He is going to do. I know He will change my heart, my perceptions, and rock me to the core! I am so excited to learn from the people of Uganda as well, and be involved in their lives. The Lord has instructed me to come underneath them, serve them, and teach them about the lifestyle of an intercessory missionary. I want to go low, like the sermon on the mount teaches. I;m hoping that many people wind find their callings in this house of prayer and increase the prayer movement. William Shehee has told us all about the members of our team! I am praying for them daily, and really sowing into this trip through prayer and fasting.
The Lord gave me revelation about this mission trip that I would like to share with you. The Lord showed me that the little bit that I offer, by going to Africa, is sowing into my inheritance in heaven. And everything that happens in result of that, is my inheritance! The Lord knows I am a visual person, He made me that way. So He gave me a vision to help with this revelation:
The Lord showed me a globe. It started to spin. As it spun, there were little fires that started all over africa. The Lord showed me that those fires were prayers that were received and answered from the intercession in the house of prayer in Gulu. The globe continued to spin and it stopped on Africa. A huge fire started in Gulu and moved throughout Northern Uganda and into Southern Sudan. It then spread to northern Africa and western Africa!
The Lord said, "Everything the fire touches, is your inheritance, Leah."
The Lord is moving! I am so extremely blessed, and a little shocked, that the Lord chose me! All of these things did not happen by chance. They are all intricately part of His divine plan, which ends in His glorious coming! Just imagine all of the unreached people groups that will hear the word. All the houses of prayer that will start. And all of the praise that will truly fill the earth!
I am asking you to prayerfully consider sowing into this. This inheritance is not just for me! By giving through prayer and support you will enter into this inheritance and receive in the kingdom. Even if you are a student at IHOPU or a different college, 20, 10, or even 5 dollars would help greatly. If the Lord, stirs your heart, and you would like to give, you can send a check to:
10438 Bales Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64137
(If you want it to be tax deductible, make it out to IHOP and put a sticky note in the envelope with my name on it! DO NOT PUT MY NAME ANYWHERE ON THE CHECK. I apologize, I am trying to get my pay-pal back up and running. I seem to be having some difficulties. So I do not have electronic giving available yet, but I will let you know when I do!)