Monday, May 16, 2011

6 Days Until I leave for Gulu!

Hello Everyone!

I have many praise reports!!

Four days ago, I went with a friend to get dinner and she gave me a the rest of the money I needed for Gulu!!!  Praise the Lord! I am all set to go to Uganda.  I have enough to take with me and be a blessing while I'm there!  Praise the Lord for providing above and beyond what I asked for!

I also received an extremely generous financial gift from a supporter!  The overdue tuition for this last semester is paid in full!!  Praise the Lord! This came at such a surprise and is a huge answer to prayer!  A few days prior to this gift, I was asking God for a specific amount of money and I received it exactly!  The Lord is so good!  He is faithful and He answers our prayers.  Even when our prayers seem outrageous to us, they are minimal to our Lord!

A friend of the family I live with, Shelly, talked with her pastor at The River Christian Fellowship.  They invited me to come and give a 5 minute announcement about Kyle and I's trip to Gulu! I shared the amazing way the Lord orchestrated plans for this trip.  I was able to share at both their 9 AM and 11 AM services.  When Shelly introduced me, she mentioned that my home church in Indiana is not meeting anymore.  This church welcomed me with open arms.  I felt right at home!  It even reminded me of my previous church with similar passion, zeal for worship, and family community!  They welcomed me and "adopted" me into their body.  I am so excited to get to know them.  They committed to pray for Kyle and I and cover us while we are in Uganda!  They even took time to pray over us while we were there yesterday! I met many people and made many connections.  I am eager to plug in to this church and hopefully help out in any way that I can!  This is a huge answer to prayer!

Please continue to Pray for Kyle and I as we leave for Gulu this Sunday at 9 PM.  We will arrive in the  Entebbe, Airport on Tues. May 24th.  We will then drive from Entebbe Airport to Gulu!

I might not be updating my blog until I get there!  May the lord bless you all!  Thank you for all of your prayer and support!!

Until then...