Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Blessing in Disguise!!!

My last blog entry was all about Japan.  I was planning to go to Japan with a wonderful team this summer, but the Lord had other plans for me.  The doors just continued to shut, instead of opening.  I am sad to say that I did not go to Japan this time, but it was actually a blessing in disguise.  As I was praying and asking the Lord some serious questions, I was wondering if I heard Him wrong, or if I just didn't do something right.  The Lord spoke directly to my heart.  He told me He will open doors and He will also close doors throughout my journey with Him. (Rev 3:7)  He had me think back upon the opportunity last summer to go to Uganda when everything came together and doors opened right and left.  I remembered the money came in and it was crystal clear that I was supposed to go!  Don't get me wrong, there were huge obstacles just to get to Chicago, but with every obstacle, there was the hand of the Lord making a way through it.  This time when the doors shut, they shut completely. 

About a month back, I was talking to my sister on the phone.  I had a lot of questions for the Lord.  Most of them were about the next step in my journey with Him, concerning my calling.  I was asking my sister for prayer when she cut me off and said that she heard as clear as she could, "Leah, just go to Japan."  You can imagine my surprise, when the time comes to buy my ticket and the finances and circumstances were not right.  I felt like I missed something...

Then the Lord spoke to me and had me think back upon my intercession times for the nation of Japan. In my prayer times, He gave me real strongholds that were over the people of this country specifically.  These words from Him were confirmed when I went to my meetings with my team weekly.  The leaders told us a little about the culture and some of the areas that the enemy has influenced the Japanese people.  The Lord then told me, while I was in my room, that this is what he is going to do with every location I am to travel to.  He will give me the areas that grieve His heart concerning the people group I will be serving. And then, through prayer and intercession I will be able to pray and prepare the ground for rain.  Then when I go, I will be able to JOIN with the people and pray for THEIR country.  I will be able to come along-side them and understand the in's and out's of their culture and serve according to what is needed and however I can give and learn from them as well. At times, the Lord might work through me to deliver specific ones that He has His finger on for emotional, physical, and spiritual healing, as well as freedom from demons and strongholds.  And other times, I will be doing the most important thing of all, INTERCEDING WITH THEM!  Amen!!!

He also showed me that prayer/intercession is not only important, but necessary and crucial to mission work.  They do not just go hand-in-hand, but that one CAN NOT function without the other!!! I feel like the Lord is bridging these two realities.  As an intercessory missionary, I will be doing the same thing that I am doing now, but I will be training others up to do it with me and joining with them in prayer for their own city/country!  This is a HUGE piece of the puzzle to my calling.  I would not have this revelation if it weren't for preparing to go to Japan.  The time that I spent with the team was not a waste, but a huge blessing!  I am currently in Japan in the spirit with them because I am praying for them daily and supporting them!  I may not be with them in the physical, but I know my prayers are changing things and shifting things there as they serve!

This next semester at the Forerunner Music Academy, FMA, I will be a senior.  My sister will be moving down here in about a week and a half!  We will be staying together and going to school.  Naomi will be attending The Forerunner School of Ministry.  This summer the Lord knew that I needed to prepare for her to come.  I have been blessed to work and save up money to go to school and to prepare for her.  I can't believe I'm in my last year of IHOPU.  Tuition is significantly less this year because they bless the seniors!! It is only $2,125/semester!  That's over $800/ less than last year all together! If you would like to sow into my life and the last year of my training, please click on the yellow button to the right marked "Donate", or for tax deductible donations, mail a check to:

The International House of Prayer
3535 East Red Bridge Rd
Kansas City, MO 64137

Please do not put my name anywhere on the check.  Simply, attach a sticky note with my name to the check...and...Voila!!! You're done!!

I am praying for you all continually.  Thank you for being in my life.  Thank you for all your support and prayers!! May He bless you abundantly in every way!

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