Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving Update!

It has been a while since I have updated my blog!  I'm sorry for not keeping you all informed.  Recently, a lot of things have happened.  I am about to finish my 5th semester at IHOPU.  I am growing leaps and bounds in my skills and spiritually!  My theology classes have changed the way I view the Bible and I am receiving more revelation when I read.  My music classes and worship teams have helped me become more efficient in playing the piano and eventually leading worship.  My discipleship groups have helped me become more of a leader and kept me steady this semester as well!  This past week I spent my Thanksgiving break with a friend and her family in North Carolina at a beach house!  It was so refreshing and restful.  It was exactly what I needed.  The Lord met me in many ways and I was able to spend time in the secret place with him.  For Thanksgiving day we went 3 hours away to her aunts house where all of her family comes together to eat and fellowship!  We talked, watched football, ate, played Apples to Apples and Catch Phrase, ate some more, and then went late night Black friday shopping until 2AM!  We then slept in and went out Black Friday shopping again later in the day. Saturday, I went to my first college football game.  It was a blast!  And then we left NC at 11pm Sat. night and drove through the night to arrive back in KC late Sunday evening! I've got 2 weeks left of classes and then finals week and the semester is over!  Time flies, huh?

In my last blog I gave a breakdown of my finances.  I am happy to say that I have edited it because the Lord has brought a couple supporters to me monthly.  My insurance of $90/month is taken care of!! Praise the Lord!  Also, I did not tell you that I was behind on my tuition payment.  This is mostly because I didn't know I was as far behind as I was, but I received an email that I was $845 past due for my tuition and that I could not register for my next semester's classes until it was paid.  When I make so little a month, it's hard to even make the payments on time, but they work with me as much as they can and are very merciful.  So, once I received this email, I began to pray hardcore!  I didn't tell many people.  I spoke with a close relative and they told me that they would pay the remainder of my tuition for this semester!  So I am debt free again!  I can register for my next semester and not worry about taking off a semester to save up!  This is a huge blessing!

Some of you may have heard about my family.  Please keep us in your prayers during this difficult time.  I am still praying for more monthly support.  I would really like to quit my job at David's Bridal and be a full time intercessor and be more involved in my school as a leader.  In order to do this, I would need about $300-500/month of support.  Please pray and ask the Lord if this year He is calling you to join me in partnership and giving to a missionary in training.  The opportunity to go to Malaysia has come up.  I am praying about weather or not the Lord wants me to go.  My trip to Uganda was amazing and life-changing. I learned a lot.  I would love to continue doing His work in other countries as well.  So please pray that the Lord makes it clear, if He wants me to go.

Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you all for your continual prayers and support. I hope you all are blessed in this wonderful season!

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