I wanted to update you on how things are going with Uganda! I received an email that really encouraged my spirit and I wanted to share some of it with you!
"Praise Jesus for what He is doing in Southern Sudan. Most of you know that as of January, Southern Sudan is now it's own nation (separate from the North, whose government has suppressed them and fought against them for over 25 years). There is much rejoicing over this victory."
"Praise God, He has over this past week, saved many many souls. From the reports we received, 2,000 came to faith on Mon. night, and 1,500 Tues. night Also, there have been many healings and deliverances. They are seeing tons of miracles - blind eyes and deaf ears opening! Nothing like this has ever happened on the state of S. Sudan! And there are reports that Jesus even raised a child from the dead!!!"
The Lord definitely has His hand on Uganda and Southern Sudan! I am so thankful and blessed to go, be a part of it, impart new things, and receive from them!! I am greatly anticipating this trip and I know the Lord is going to change me and do more than things than I can even imagine!
Kyle and I have begun to meet with IHOP leadership for guidance and suggestions! One of our leaders is Michael Tharpe! He gave us so many ideas and sermon notes to study. We are so blessed to have his wisdom. We have also set up other meetings with leaders we have gotten close to throughout the years we have been here!

Kyle and I Meeting with Michael Tharpe in regards to Uganda
Kyle and I have gotten together and we came up with a daily schedule for the intensive. We plan on leaving May 24th, arriving may 26th, and beginning the intensive on the 30th. The first 5 days, we will be meeting the team, getting settled, and adjusting to the culture! Then we will jump right in with a full week of training, teaching, prayer meetings, Worship Sets, Holy Groups and much more!
What the Lord has been revealing to me:
Everyday I have been praying and interceding for the house of prayer in Uganda. I have been preparing my heart for what the Lord is going to do. Last night, the Lord woke me up in the night and struck my heart with his desire for the people there. He is so pleased with their hearts and His love for them surpasses my understanding! He gripped me with compassion and zeal to see them rooted and grounded in His love. The most important thing for an intercessor/singer/musician is to have an inward life of intimacy with God! Out of this intimacy, flows everything else! My Financial status:
I have raised $565 so far!! Praise the Lord! My plane ticket is $2004. My shots will be around $200. And I know my visa is $57! I have already sent for my passport, which was $135. I will need some money to take with me as well! I also need malaria medication to take before I go. So I am shooting for $3000! The next thing on my list is to get my visa!
If you haven't already considered financially support me, please pray and ask the Lord if He wants you to sow into this. This trip is so much bigger than me. He is doing so many things already and training this team will only further His work! So many people have come to know the Lord, been delivered, and healed from the conference they had in Sudan. Just imagine, if there were multiple conferences with the team that Kyle and I train at the center! This team is a catalyst to many more teams being trained after Kyle and I leave!
I love you all! Thank you for your continual prayer and support! You mean so much to me! I hope the Lord blesses you abundantly!
Leah, I am so excited to see the Lord fulfill His heart -for- the nations. AND it is so encouraging to see the Lord fulfill your hearts desire to -GO TO- THE NATIONS that He alone has put in your heart. To see Him provide ALL things is so faith-building for us all. You are such a Bubble of JOY and Beam of LIGHT for Jesus. He does all things IN HIS TIME. That was His promise to me some 27 years ago ;) He is faithful. Mumma ReJoice