Hello All,
Man, a ton has happened these past few months! I can't express what the Lord has done in my heart. I'm getting ready to graduate on May 18th. Wow, how these past four years have flown by!! I remember like it was yesterday...standing in line to register as a freshman and having no idea what was in store, but so excited for what the Lord had for me, and young, zealous, and kinda ignorant... Now I'm only three weeks away from walking down a stage and getting a diploma...I'm still young and zealous, but I have a treasure fold full of experience with the Lord, depth in his word, identity as a woman of God, and a foundation that will keep me through the years dependent on the Lord and hungry for more of Him. These years have been the most invigorating, challenging, and strengthening of my life. I am so thankful and almost shocked that I actually made it!!!
A little About the past Quarter:

In the beginning of April I went on a IHOPU Ministry trip to serve at a Ministry called We Will Go. And, oh man, did I get encountered while I was there. I went to serve them, but the Lord had other plans. Yes, I served, but while being in the inner city of Jackson, MS, I found a love of the Lord on a whole other level. Everywhere I looked there were broken, burned, and abandoned houses, and people that were just as broken, abandoned and lost. But in the midst of devastation, there was a peace and presence of the Lord that was surreal. He showed me that I am just as broken as those crack houses and hurting people, if not more. He showed me that the gospel is not partial to who looks the part, but that it is universal. I had the wonderful opportunity to help restore

some of the houses that used to be crack houses, currently owned by We Will Go Ministries. They literally take the wood that can be savaged and restore these houses to look like new. They paint them bright colors as a sign of new life, and vibrancy. They give them names like Power, Truth, Restoration, Life, and Fire. As I was physically taking nails out of the boards from the life and truth houses, the Lord showed me the process of restoration is long and hard, tedious even, but so worth it. He went into the brokenness of my heart, cleaned it out, got even dirtier than I did and decided to take the time to fix me up nice. He removed the unusable boards and threw to the fire. He took the nails out of me that would hurt others. He sanded me down and got rid of the cold callus heart and sanded down to the area that was lighter and softer. He smoothed the rough edges of my personality and crud humor and gave me a new identity, He stained, or painted me and put me together to be a beautiful home for his Spirit, to be shown for the world to see for His glory as valuable and worth so much to Him. As I worked on the soon to be "life" house He told me that I would see the full restoration of that specific house. I didn't know what that meant at the time.

While there I got to minister to the neighbors of We Will Go. I served in their store and stocked clothes, shoes, and necessities for those in need. I did a lot of prayer walks. We as a team worked on the houses quite a few times and I loved it!! I love working with my hands. I thought this would be the part I would dread, but I didn't at all. Sunday I worked with children's ministry, WOW, Warriors of the Word, for their Sunday school and 6 kids came to know the Lord!! Then a couple days later I got to go with the leaders of WOW to a private school for their k-6 grade chapel, called Central Hinds Academy. I was part of a skit and I got to pray with many children. I loved this part of the trip because the Lord has given me a huge heart for children. I also got to pray over a Senior girl, who gave her life to the Lord as a Freshman in that school. The Lord encouraged her. She was blessed to tears and so was I. Then a couple days later we went back and ministered to the 7th-12th graders. For the first time ever, the school took two days aside, split them up by gender and let us talk to them in a small group setting in one of the classrooms. I got the 12th grade girls. I shared my testimony and answer any questions the girls had. I still pray for these girls everyday and I know the Lord did some awesome things in each of their hearts, even if I didn't see the fruit of it that day. At the end of the second day we gathered everyone into the gym to close in worship. We had an alter call and kids came down in groves!! We got to pray with them, help some of them rededicate their lives, or accept Jesus for the first time, repent, and truly live for Him!
We left that school and it was transformed!!! God is so good!
I could go on and on, but I'll just say I have never been more provoked by the people of We Will Go. They are ones who have laid down their lives for this small broken town, given everything to the Lord and showed me a thing or two about being Christ to everyone around me. The love of God is so great and I want to dive into the love of the Lord on a whole new level of feeling His love, loving myself, and then loving others.
That being said, I am pleased to announce that, upon acceptance,
I will be returning to We Will Go after graduation.
Meredith and I on the last day |
The Lord is calling me to go deeper and put into practice some of the things I've learned here at IHOPU, but also throw me into new territory where I can learn along-side these amazing God-fearing voluntary lovers. The Lord has made it very clear that I am to spend the next 6 months with them. After that, I don't know, but I do know that He is going to continue to prepare me for missions and it's starting as a missionary in the inner city of Jackson, MS. I am thrilled! I can't wait to receive their acceptance and tell me when it starts. I am already proclaiming it to the world because I know without a shadow of a doubt that He is sending me there. However, I'm not sure on the timing. I'm hoping to move sometime in July or August. I do know, from talking to other interns, that it costs $350 per month to live there, plus personal expenses for myself.
I am extending the invitation for you to partner with me as I embark on this new journey as a full time missionary in Jackson. I have a breakdown of my finances at the bottom of what I will need. I am hoping to raise $4500 for the whole 6 months. The Lord told me that he will provide above and beyond what I need, and I believe Him. If the Lord is impressing it upon your heart to give monthly or a one-time gift please click on the "Will You Join ME?" tab of this blog. It will give you all the information you need to give. Thank you so much for partnering with me for the past four years. You have been a major blessing to me and my goal of finishing IHOPU.
As IHOPU comes to a close, I know it is only the beginning of a life filled with devotion and love for the Lord and ministry. I will continue to listen to His voice and follow His leading. Will you come with me? It's gonna be an awesome journey!
May the Lord bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you ...until next time...
Breakdown of Finances Needed Per Month to be a Missionary in Jackson
Rent = $350
Food = $180
Phone = $60
Gas = 60
Living Expenses/Necessities = $50
Extra Money/Emergency = $50
Sub Total = 750/month
Final Total = $4,500
*Right now, I live off of about 600 dollars a month and I work three jobs, and half of my
salary went to tuition each month. Since I will be in full time ministry,
I will not be working for these 6 months, so I need your help to go!